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Our Process


Areas Measurements
Area 1 (in ft.) Width x Length
Area 2 (in ft.) Width x Length
Area 3 (in ft.) Width x Length
Area 4 (in ft.) Width x Length

Total Area to be Covered: sq. ft.

Amount of Wallpaper Needed: sq. yds.

Calculate Clear


To estimate the area for wallpaper, you'll need to take into account four specifications - wall height, wall perimeter, ceiling area, and any excluded sections not covered by the first three. (Note: If you have sloping walls, carefully follow the special instructions we have below these basic instructions.)

  1. Wall Height
    Measure from the floor to the ceiling, rounding to the nearest foot.
  2. Wall perimeter
    Measure the length of each wall, and then add up the lengths from each wall together. (For example, if you have one room with four walls, all of the same height, you'll measure the horizontal length of each of these four walls, and then add these measurements together.) Round the number you get for the total perimeter to the nearest foot.
  3. Ceiling area
    Measure the width and length of your ceiling, rounding to the nearest foot. (Obviously omit this measurement if you don't intend to drywall the ceiling.)
  4. Excluded sections
    To account for any areas not included in the above calculations, measure the height and width of these sections separately. Enter into the calculator the sum of all the widths and sum of all the heights, rounded to the nearest foot.
wallpaper pic

Special Case of Sloping Walls

If you have sloping ceilings, you'll have triangular wall space beneath. To calculate the square footage for this triangle shape, multiply the length of the wall at the base by the height at the highest point of the triangle area, and then, divide this resulting number by two. (Area of a Triangle = Base*Height*0.5) Please note that our calculator doesn't include this area, so you'll need to add this figure onto your total.


Wallpaper is sold in rolls, usually of about 35 square feet. The useable amount of wall paper from these rolls is typically about 27 square feet, after accounting for trimming, waste, and drop pattern waste. (Drop pattern waste is the amount of wallpaper that goes to waste when trying to match the patterns of the wallpaper in separate sections.) You can help eliminate some of this waste and save paper by using two rolls at a time, and alternating between the two.

Another important point to keep in mind when purchasing wallpaper is that the wallpaper is not only sold by its pattern number, but also by the lot number. (Or, alternatively, called the batch or run number.) Color intensities and even the coloring itself can vary between batches, and so it's important when you purchase your wallpaper that you purchase more than you need, all from the same batch. This way, if you need some wallpaper for repairs in the future, you can match the colors to the old wallpaper easily.